Arist:Ritual Violence
Release date:15/02/2015
Label:Bestial Burst

Satanic Rock Music

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)
  • 1.
    Black Candle's Light18:13
  • 2.
    Ritual Violence22:00

The Review

Bestial Burst, a small label from Finland, has proven to me that it releases the weirdest, the most insane and the sickest bands. But isn’t this the essence of Black Metal? With the release of Ritual Violence, it confirms that the main characteristic of its bands is that aura of paranoia which surrounds them. Ritual Violence comes from Finland and they consist of three members. “Satanic Rock Music” is their first EP release and it contains two tracks of eighteen and twenty two minutes respectively. The cover and the artwork in general, refers to occult – Satanic rock of the ’70ies. However that impression has no relevance to the music that the listener will in reality come across here. So, into here we come across a heavy, sick mixture of eerie and annoying noise with heavy and barbaric Black Metal following the steps of the early Beherit.

Musically, Ritual Violence as weird as the sound that they present is, it is quite interesting. The Black Metal elements that the listener can distinguish come from Beherit, Archgoat and Bestial Summoning but he will also distinguish some characteristics that remind of the harsh repetitive sound of Ildjarn, while somewhere there he will find the influences from rotten Doom too. The riffs are combined with the noise sounds and they acquire a different sicker, more threatening and hostile character. Their rhythm mainly is of medium and slow speed, with very few fast parts. The size of the tracks may be quite tiring for those that they are not used to so long tracks with few changes and a few changes and some very torturing parts. However with the vocals that they appear into some specific parts, with the very intense appearance of the noise element and with their ugly and sick riffs, they manage to maintain the interest of the listener.

Regarding the instruments, the delivery and the technique have no importance in here. The purpose of the album is to try to drag the listener into a blasphemous, paranoid ritual dedicated to Satan. The guitars are heavy and dirty while they are played with much passion and intensity. The bass, although the sound is very heavy generally, it is quite audible, it fills the sound very well while it makes the compositions even dirtier. The drums are slow, hypnotizing without having anything special. The vocals are distant and bizarre Black Metal vocals which fit to the music perfectly and they add a greater sense of paranoia. The production puts out a bass and dirty sound and along with the mixture, they have delivered the sound that a rehearsal would have, exactly as a ritual would sound. The lyrics are not contained in the cd and I can’t understand if they are written in English.

Summarizing, I believe that the effort that Ritual Violence has done in order to deliver their sick sentiments and to drag the listener into their dark and dirty atmosphere, it was successful. It may not be the typical Black Metal of our days, but it contains its basic and stable principles, that is blasphemy, hatred, darkness and Satanism. Surely, I can’t suggest this album to all of you. Listen to it before you buy.